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2016 Chinas plastic crusher industry competition pattern analysis

According to the analysis of plastic crusher industry competition, with the strong development of social economy and culture, are also growing awareness of environmental protection, the industries have to green development on environmental protection and energy saving, and many plastic crusher enterprises did not achieve technological innovation, it also means that a small number of enterprises in the energy-saving reform, lose market competitiveness. Now on 2016 China's plastic crusher industry competition pattern analysis.

The enterprise that produces equipment of large crusher commonly has strict requirement to equipment environmental protection index. When producing equipment, each enterprise takes into full consideration various problems that may arise in the operation of the equipment, and greatly reduces the noise and pollution accidents caused by vibration or improper operation of the equipment.

With the acceleration of urbanization, new countryside and industrial construction in China, the problems of high energy consumption and low power consumption in the construction industry have become a strong obstacle to the efficient development of economy. In general, plastic crusher upgrading is faster, especially small crusher life is only three to five years, every year, domestic demand for replacement of crusher about crusher 20% of the total, provides a strong incentive for the rapid development of crushing machinery, under the development of low carbon economy at the same time, the crushing machinery industry is also faced with the importance of energy efficient and environmentally friendly crusher technical reform topics.

According to the market research and analysis report of plastic crusher industry, there are a large number of raw materials and recycled wastes that need to be processed by crusher every year in metallurgical, mining, chemical, cement and other industrial sectors. For example, in the concentrator, in order to achieve monomer separation of the useful minerals in the ore, it is necessary to use a crusher to crush the raw ore to the size required by the grinding process. The raw material needs to be crushed to the required size by crushing machinery. In coking plants, sintering plants, ceramics factories, glass industry, powder metallurgy and other departments, the use of crushing machinery to crush raw materials to the next level of operation requirements of the granularity.

At present, in our country engineering machinery market significantly saturated state, the excess capacity has continued, and turned to overseas investment have become the latest development of engineering machinery enterprise strategy, at present, China's construction machinery industry special equipment gradually accepted by the foreign high technology, industry technology of continuous promotion has become, for our country engineering machinery involved in international competition has laid a good foundation.

In addition, driven by the new market demand, the upgrading and optimization of mining equipment is more urgent. Hainii crusher equipment production enterprises fully tap the market potential, to develop large environmental protection and energy saving crushing machinery and equipment, play an active role in the transformation of green mining.

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